Falls and Balance
Falling or a fear of falling does not have to be part of ageing. Often the contributory factors are issues that we can identify and treat, reducing both your risk and your anxiety. Challenging the reduction in range of movement, muscle strength, balance and co-ordination that often occurs, possibly following surgery or illness, is central to our role in assisting you to remain as active and functionally able as you wish to be. We can work with you on a one to one basis, in clinic, at home and outdoors. We also run small group sessions aimed at maintaining strength and balance which clients tell us are fun and supportive. Understanding your risks is key to you being able to manage them so the education we can provide makes a difference too. A part of this we deliver informal talks to Residential Homes, Support groups and other organisations around reducing falls and staying active. If you would be interested in arranging or attending one of these please contact us. |