We recognise that any form of neurological condition impacts more than just our physical body. Neurological conditions can be life long, and so different types of therapy and intensities of therapy may be required at different stages of your journey. We are able to offer a variety of therapy types to aid in ensuring a holistic approach to your concerns.
Physiotherapy It is very rare that a neurological condition does not impact our physical mobility in one way or another. Our physiotherapists are passionate about teaching you how to regain and maintain functional and natural movement. We closely assess your lying, sitting and standing postures, and where appropriate, work with you to improve your ability to feel safe and confident as you move in and out of these different postures. For some, regaining and maintaining quality, ease, and speed of walking is the aim. Our physiotherapists will closely assess your mobility skills and unlock the potential you may have.
Occupational Therapy (OT) Occupational Therapy translates as 'therapy for your day to day occupations' - be that dressing, shopping, driving, or simply maintaining intimate relationships. We look at the physical, cognitive and psychological aspects of your condition, and support you to understand the challenges you may be facing with the aim of increasing your level of independence in everyday living. Our OT specialises in upper limb rehab, cognitive rehab, and adjusting to life with a neurological condition from a psychological perspective. We also offer support to families who are struggling to adjust with a change in role and family dynamic.
Personal Training Sometimes we need a bit of help to maintain our get up and go attitude! Our personal trainer understands what you will be trying to achieve from a physiotherapy perspective, whilst simultaneously will support you to regain your overall strength and fitness. Often after a neurological event our cardiovascular fitness can be neglected - our personal training sessions aim to ensure this doesn't happen.
Speech and Language Therapy (SLT / SALT) When the ability to communicate is impacted on, life can become very isolating. Our Speech and Language therapist can help to assess the difficulties you are experiencing, and put in place a bespoke plan as to how to improve your level of communication skills. Where appropriate, our Speech and Language Therapist works closely with families ensuring they understand how to enable and support communication within the home environment.