Multiple Sclerosis
There are three main types of MS, relapsing remitting, primary progressive and secondary progressive, all of them are on-going conditions that benefit from long-term management. Our early involvement providing treatment, education and advice, will better empower you to manage your condition. We can work with you and your family on an individual basis, in clinic, at home or any other setting in which you need to be able to function effectively. We offer easy access to on-going review via self-referral which means as your condition changes we remain responsive to your needs.
Regular exercise has been shown to be highly beneficial for those with a diagnosis of MS particularly, in terms of maintaining postural control and balance. Part of our service is to enable you to access exercise in a way that is effective for you and fits in with your lifestyle. We have developed a joint partnership with local consultants, clinical nurse specialists and the Sevenoaks and Tunbridge Wells branch of the MS society to provide a partly subsidised exercise scheme specifically for people with MS. Inclusion requires a referral from a health professional and a pre-assessment.
Further useful information can be found at or MS Clinical Nurse Specialist